Project Name:
HandUp Congo, Lotumbe Community Development Project, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Congo, Democratic Republic of
To provide sustainable improvements to existing health and education services for villagers, and the well-being of women in Lotumbe, Democratic Republic of the Congo. HandUp Congo works with project partner 10-Communautes des Disciples du Christ au Congo (CDCC to respond to the Lotumbe community's requests on a wide range of capacity building projects. These include sustainable beekeeping, women's micro credit, duck eggs and fruit sales that help pay for orphans' schooling, and agriculture. In spite of being accessible only by canoe or forest paths, Lotumbe is a rural hub, with K-12 schools (approx. 1000 students) and a reference hospital. A population of 87,976 accesses these social services.
Tax Deductibility:
Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund (Managed by RAWCS) has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) registration and has been listed as a Charitable Fund so we can accept tax deductible Donations from individuals or organisations.