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Project 80-2022-23

Project Name:
Shelterbags for the Homeless Sleeping Rough in South Australia (RABS)


Our project will facilitate the supply and distribution of Shelterbags (a light, warm, waterproof sleeping shelter) for homeless persons sleeping rough in South Australia. They are made by Sheltersuit South Africa Foundation and imported through Rotary Club of Terrigal (NSW) with assistance from their connections in South Africa. We will work with partner Rotary clubs in South Australia (Rotary District 9510) who will liaise with outreach agencies and community stakeholders in their own areas to assess local needs and provide gateways for their distribution.

Sponsor Club:
Rotary Club of Gawler Light Inc. (District 9510)

Tax Deductibility:
Rotary Australia Benevolent Society (Managed by RAWCS) has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) registration and has been listed as a Charitable Fund so we can accept tax deductible Donations from individuals or organisations.